I still remember the very first letter I received, it was a long time ago, Im not even sure on how old I was back then,maybe 6, or 7. My cousin, that lives about 800 kms far from me, sent it.
Unfortunately I don't have this letter anymore ( what a careful kid I was ¬¬), but I still remember my mom giving it to me in the evening, and how happy I felt opening that envelope.
We've been sending each other letters since then, and we give good laughs reading all the silly things we used to write when we were kids, like how pretty our new school supplies were, or that "now Im in 4th grade,and you ?" and how we missed playing together. It's nice to see how much We changed through the years, the letters, that before looked more like a note become longer and longer.

We send draws, poems, acrostics with our names and much more. The oldest letter I have from her is from 2003, I was 8, she was 9, and I keep all the other ones she sent me until today :)
I started writing to more friends,and now I have penpals from around the world, but she was the one that provided me that good feeling of receiving a lovely letter and sweet words from other person for the fist time,and Im sure that seeing an envelope with her name on in my PO box will always make me give a big smile.
Dear cousin, thanks for the sweet memories you shared and keep on sharing with me all this years, Im sure we're going to read each other's letters for ever ( literally I hope, I can see ourselves in the new world writing about our new lives, adventures and all the good things that are about to come!) and I hope you enjoy my letter. This post is dedicated for you, that started it all.
Muito Amor <3
Thats so fofo, good work :D