Saturday, 7 November 2015

Outgoing to Fortaleza "A letter a day" #4

Team by Lorde - can't stop listen to this song =D 

Aloha :)

  No, I didn't post yesterday's letter because, shit happens  and I'm posting it  today, and today's letter will be posted tomorrow and yeah... But I'm happy I've being able to write everyday so far :)

  This outgoing goes to Vonia, should totally follow her Insta account because she sends some pretty cute mail! And the crazy thing is that, she's my first brazilian pen pal that I met online =)

 Oh and I have a question for you guys , how long do you take to write a letter? I mean, write and finish with all the mail art? Am I the only one who takes so long cause I usually write while I watch something on Netflix or YouTube? haha

  Não, eu não postei  a carta de ontem porque shit happens e eu estou postando hoje, e a carta de hoje vou postar amanhã  e eh isso ai...Mas eu estou feliz por estar conseguindo escrever todos os dias até agora :)
  O envio de hoje vai para a Vonia, e você definitivamente deveria seguir o Instagram dela porque ela envia cartinhas muito lindas! E ela é a minha primeira penpal que conheci online Brasileira =)
  Ah, e eu tenho uma pergunta para vocês, quanto tempo vocês demoram para escrever uma carta?  Quer dizer, escrever e terminar toda a arte postal? Eu sou a única que demora por que geralmente eu escrevo enquanto assisto alguma coisa no Netflix ou no YouTube? haha

Still haven't write the address but it's going to be written on this white circle haha :)

Eu ainda não escrevi o endereço, mas ele vai ser escrito nesse circulo branco haha :)

 Vonia, I hope you enjoy it :)

Vonia, espero que você goste :)

And again, if you're over the age of 18 and want to be my penpal, feel free to send an email to postal or a direct message to @postalswing on Instagram :)

And see you tomorrow with today's letter haha :) 

Até amanhã  com a carta de hoje :) 



  1. I've already said this on Instagram but I'll say it again here: it looks beautiful and I'm looking forward to having it in my hands. But you're not the only one who takes a long time to prepare a letter. In fact, I think you're pretty fast! I take ages to have a letter ready to go, that's one of the reasons I'm always behind on my replies... :3

    1. Tank you ^.^ You know, because I take so long I usually also take ages to reply, so I guess this challenge is helping me to get faster haha :)


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