Friday, 24 April 2015

Two news and a Incoming from Australia

Oi todo mundo :)

Today, I have three things to share with you, first, as you can tell,  the blog is now also written in Portuguese. YAY! Now more people can understand my words, like my mom and my sister , Hey mom, hey sis :)
But, I'm still going to prioritise the English language. This blog support the search for learning other language :)

Second: I promise.... try to post more often here on the blog this month that is coming. I already made a schedule of posts, and  what I can say for now is that, there will be a post every sunday :) :)
But to bring more and new content , I would love to hear from you guys, what you want to see here? If you haven't yet, make sure to answer the blog survey, do it  by clicking in this link .

Hoje, eu tenho três coisas pra dividir com vocês, primeiro,como você deve ter percebido,  o blogue agora também será escrito em português. EBA! Agora mais pessoas podem entender minhas palavras,como minha mãe e minha irmã, Oi mãe, oi irmã :)
Mas eu ainda vou priorizar a língua Inglesa. Este blog apoia a busca por aprender outro idioma :)

Segundo: Eu prometo...tentar postar com mais frequência aqui no blog neste mês que vem. Eu já fiz uma escala de posts, e o que eu posso dizer por enquanto é que vai ter post todos os domingos.
Mas pra trazer mais e novos conteúdos , eu adoraria ouvi de vocês pessoal, o que vocês querem ver aqui? Se você ainda não o fez, certifique-se de responder a enquete do blog, você pode fazer isso clicando neste link :)

And now, for the third thing, and what really matters, Kyla's letter arrived today :)

E agora, para a terceira coisa e a que realmente importa, A carta da Kyla chegou hoje :)

Thanks you , thank you , thank you for thise beautiful adds to my stamps collection Kyla :)

Muito, muito, muito obrigada por essas belas adições a minha coleção de selos Kyla :)

Omg, how cute are this cats stikers *---*

Omg,  como são lindos esses adesivos de gatinhos *---*

Kyla, thanks you so much for the lovely letter you sent and all the sweet little things too.
Ah, I guess I'll always feel a bit emotional with mail... I hope you guys get emotional with a sweet letter as well  today :)

Kayla, muito obrigada pela cartinha fofa que você mandou, e as coisinhas tão doces também.
Ah, acho que eu vou sempre me sentir um pouquinho emocionada com correspondências... Eu espero que você também fique emocionada com uma cartinha fofa hoje :)

Much Love, Vi :)

Wednesday, 1 April 2015

Did you know : Are you a Philatelist ?

Hello folkes
 So you have that beautiful stamp collection, you might even have that very rare stamp, and it makes you very proud, but, can you you call yourself a philatelist?
Now some people go like : " Wait Vi, phithalate what?"

Phi la te list, is the name given to those who study stamps, postal history and other items related. So, if you just collect stamps, i'm sorry to say that,no your not a philatelist, in fact, to be a philatelist you don't even have to own any stamps!

And did you know that there's many different types and ares of stamp study? Going from the stamp design study, paper used, method of printing, aerophilately , postal stationery and even Cinderella philately, which is the study of things that look like stamps but are not!
Well, Im not a philatelist myself, but I started a humble collection of stamps last year, what about you? Are you a philatelist? Or just a collector? Any Philipp von Ferrary out there ? Let me know in the comments :)

Source : Wikipedia